Definition of Infertility: If getting pregnant has been a challenge for you and your partner, you're not alone. Ten to 15 percent of couples in the United States are infertile. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year.

This is the story of 2 couples, 1 infertile and 1 fertile, and our journey of hope towards the greatest gift that can be bestowed upon any person: the gift of life. Though we are just beginning the process, our goal is simply to share our experiences and emotions along the way and our hope is that this story might bring comfort, courage, or simply answers to other people who have found themselves at what once was seemingly a dead end.

What makes us different than so many stories is, we are neither family nor strangers. Our friendship lately has been a long distance one. I always found it interesting that friendship are one of the few relationships that can survive distance. Boyfriends, girlfriends, married people, even family can fall victim to physical distance. We have not.

Friendship, like any relationship, is a give and take. Like the dipping and rising of waves you remain connected. Kelly and her entire family are giving us the greatest gift, even if it doesn't work, that gift will never be tarnished or less cherished.

This blog is not for the faint of heart. It will be raw and honest as this is a challenging process. We hope our sense of humor does not offend you; if it does we won't be hurt that you don't come back to visit, but we do hope that you take something away. Please be forgiving of our grammar and spelling as there will be times that our writing will be a release of intense emotion.

We hope you enjoy, find what you need, and come back for more!

*NOTE: This blog was started in January 2010 - the very, very beginning of our process. The first preliminary/counseling appointments are scheduled but have not happened yet. Kelly has yet to get medical clearance. The purpose of starting from this point is to detail the emotions and experiences of every little step. *

Genetic Material Mama's Story

The Boring Stuff:

My name is Katy, and I am half of the genetic material. (Or the "intended parent" if you want to get brushed up on your legal/medical jargon.) I am a 29 year old Michigander. I've been married for about 7 years to a great man named Matt.

Meeting My Future Baby Mama (is that supposed to be hyphenated?):

I met Kelly when I was hired on as a stylist in a mid-level salon. Soon after we became friends. She understood my sense of humor and wasn't put off my sometimes-lack-of-tact, and she wasn't afraid to tell me when I was saying something, um, unpalatable. I enjoyed the company of her and her husband and later her two amazing children.

As I watched Kelly progress through her first pregnancy it was as if I was watching what I would be like because we were so similar in a lot of ways. She took care of herself and had a supportive husband as well (shout out to the Baby Daddy here). Though if I remember correctly, she complained a lot less than I would have. I was not present for either births but Kelly remarked that they were mostly uneventful.

The Struggle:
By the time of the birth of her second child, a girl, my husband and I were aware of our struggle to conceive. Each month was a fresh slap in the face. I always felt it was ironic that there was blood involved because the wound in my heart felt that deep. Of course, everyone around us announced the expectancy of their own baby and it hurt terribly every time. Then the guilt followed for not being fully happy for them.

In June (I am uncertain of the year exactly, 2005 or 2006?), a few days before I was going to call the specialist, I had a late period which was not unusual for me but I took a test and it was positive. It was in the morning after I showered and in my towel I sank to the floor. I was stunned. The lines were bright and tears poured from my eyes. I heard my husband stir for his own morning routine and quickly pulled myself together. I hid the test. I wanted to tell him in some special way - not while in the back of his mind he was thinking he had to poop. I got ready in record time and left the house with my hair still wet and pee stick in hand. I could hardly stand it. I felt as though I was going to burst! Later I did burst but in a decidedly different way.

Maybe 3 weeks later I took another test. I'm not certain why. I think I wanted to see those lines pulsing at me like a neon sign again. This time there was only one line. The Control Line they call it. I called the doctor immediately and they drew blood and did a urine test, both were negative. They had told me not only was it negative, but I was never pregnant. It was a false positive. "But the stick said positive!" I shouted and thrust it at her. I had brought it with me. It was proof damn it! The stick lied. My mind whirled. How could it lie? It's job is truth. It's chemicals for Christ sake! It's science. It's fact. It is or it isn't. Not a lie. But science is apparently a fickle bitch when relied upon. I left the office in tears and dry heaved while holding onto my car.

My husband and I spent the next few days crying every whip-stitch. We had not done the wait-until-the-first-trimester-is-over-to-tell-everyone thing. Everyone close to us knew our story and struggle. We were too excited to hold back. I felt guilty for that. I felt that that lying stick had made me a liar too. I was utterly embarrassed and felt like a real fool.

Welcome To Infertility. Here is Your Complimentary Bag of New Shit to Deal With (oh, and tissues):

We went through the whole variety of tests, the most interesting being the Post Coital test. There really is nothing like scheduled sex to really heighten the romance. Then, you get to walk into the doctors office right after feeling like you have FORNICATOR written on your forehead. I was surprised at this point that they didn't ask, "So how was it". *TMI Alert* So they get us settled in the room and I, uh, assume the position and they check how many of his soldiers made it across the terrain, which is to say, next to none. In this procedure they were to check my cervical fluid, which apparently is supposed to be the consistency of egg whites. The nurse laughs and says, "well, I can already tell you this is not going to work for you. It's like rubber cement." Usually they analyze it, but that was just redundant after this.

We continued on to IUI's (Inter Uterine Insemination) and then to IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) and then to FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer). The IUI's weren't so bad but the IVF and FET's were fraught with emotion and failure. Between the injections and other medications it was impossible not to have the experience run our life. Every thing was timed. We had to plan our days around our injections or pills. I had to leave work early or receive injections in the car. We had to find out what the policy was on bringing needles into a concert. My husband gave me almost all the injections. I knew it was hard for him to inflict pain on me each time. I could see it in his eyes. The injections left bruises and left me sore at the injection site. It wasn't pure hell but it was extremely difficult.

That's me! The oven!

My name is Kelly and I am the gestational carrier-to-be. I really hate that name. Surrogate is even a little weird to me. I don't know what the right name/term is - but I'm sure I'll find it before this is all over. Or maybe not. Who am I? Why am I doing this?

I am 32 years old, married to the love of my life (who also happens to be the best man and husband that has ever been), and a mom of two beautiful amazing children. My son is 5 and my daughter is 4, and yes, I am the genetic parent and gestational carrier for each of them. That is exactly why I am here.

My husband and I are living our fairy tale and while we may do things the hard way, everything has worked out exactly as we have wanted and hoped for. Even the unplanned, unseen things have been welcomed, life changing and defining moments for our family. We have much to be grateful for, try not to take anything for granted, and we live for today.

When we decided we were ready to start a family we were both lucky and blessed. We were pregnant on the first try with each child and we had no complications throughout either pregnancy. Prior to starting to try I had an appointment with my OB/GYN to have my IUD removed, discuss getting pregnant and start prenatals. During my pelvic, prior to removing the IUD, my doc remarked "You've got great hips! Oh, ya, you were made for having babies."

I have never forgotten that. If I have been given this body that handles pregnancy so well, why wouldn't I be a part of this opportunity to help our friends? By no means was this decision taken lightly by me or my husband. If he were not 100% supportive we would not be here. Obviously having kids the ages we do makes the decision more complicated and delicate. After much consideration and debate we decided that we could not withhold what we could potentially offer. This is not a sacrifice to me. This just is. Beyond the complicated facade it is very simple: We have these amazing, beautiful, ridiculously funny and loving friends who we know would do anything for us. So their oven's broken. No problem! They can borrow ours!

Little Wonders

For Katy and Matt. May you realize that each step of this is a little wonder, a small miracle. We love you! ~Kelly & Ben

Wednesday, June 30

It didn't stick

I'm sure by now you know that we are not pregnant, but I wanted everyone to know that for myself, and I'm sure the same is true for Katy, it will take a little time to put together a post about getting the news, spreading the news and the hours and day(s) that followed.  I don't want to rush through one of the most significant experiences of this process and I want to do it justice.  I know that everyone will understand and respect this.

I know we've said it a thousand times but it must be said again:  Thank you!  From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for letting us share this story and thank you for supporting all 4 of us.  To Matt and Katy: we thank you for your trust, your timeless friendship and for letting us be a part of this very private, very raw, and very brave process.  Your unconditional love and support for each other, as well as your strength, is immeasurable and admirable.  Truly you are both an inspiration for everyone around you!  To Katy:  there is nothing I can say that hasn't been said.  You recently said something to me that made me laugh and I thought "that's a great one!".  Today that quote has been ringing loudly in my head and I'll leave you with it as now it may take on a new meaning for you as it has for me:  Just when I thought I had all the answers, the questions change.

Monday, June 28

Worst Post Ever

Ok.  Pretty much the title says it all.  I'm not sure that I have too much to say, especially anything vital, important or emotional but I'm sure that everyone is wondering what's happening on our end and how we're feeling before the big day.  Or maybe my thinking is slightly narcissistic.

I had been just fine until I got home this evening, got on Facebook and was greeted by a flurry of well wishes, luck, prayers and positive thoughts and now my mind is kind of starting to swirl into an emotional hurricane.  The #1 question I get asked is if I'm nervous.  I don't know that nervous would be among my emotions but to be honest, I don't know if I could even pick them apart but I just feel like nervous isn't in there.  Part of me just thinks of tomorrow as an end - the finish line.  No matter what the result is - tomorrow is the end of a lot of things in a lot of ways.  Like Katy said in her post, isn't it more about the fear of the unknown rather than the known.  I don't know what a negative result means; I don't know where I go after that, what I do, what happens with The Oven and GM relationship.  Will I feel like I failed?  Will I question whether or not I could have done one little thing differently that could have made a difference?  How long and how hard will I grieve?  I don't know and I don't pretend to know.  Maybe it's best I don't know right now.

In many ways, for me and Ben, this has become more than just "giving them an opportunity they wouldn't have otherwise had."  It's revisiting the excitement and nerves of wanting to become parents and wanting to give this amazing, deserving couple their own chance to experience that as their own.   It's realizing how blessed we are, even during the times when the kids make us wonder which one of us thought having kids was a good idea.  It's seeing life's beginning with a whole new perspective that we will never forget.  It's been being honored with the most precious gift of all:  trust.  It is so many things.  And no matter what part of me thought I understood that this was just an "opportunity", it's becoming clear to me that it this experience is more than that. We have been honored to be a part of this and to be so completely trusted with something so precious.  To Katy and Matt:  Thank you.

What I do know:  If the test result is positive, well - been there done that, I'll be on with my night and something new will start on Wednesday.        

Coming Soon: Schrodinger's Cat :The Big Reveal

This past Saturday Matt and I were able to spend sometime with Ben and Kelly and their two hilarious kids.  The day was so great.  I forgot how relaxing being around Kelly and Ben is.  The time and conversation isn't forced or taxing like normal social interactions are for me.  It's just, well, easy.  I left feeling more content than I had felt in a long time.  It was wonderful.

While we were there, Kelly and I discussed how we would receive the news.  Who would call who, ect.  We decided on having the call come to me first and then I would call Kelly and tell her personally.  Kelly reminded me that we would have the results on Tuesday, and when she uttered those words my stomach dropped to my feet and I felt like someone had just smacked me between the eyes.  Tuesday.  Tuuuueesssdaaaayyyy.  Tues. Day.   For some reason I had been clinging to the illusion that it was WEDNESDAY.  This little fact, this matter of knowing, 24 hours earlier, scared the shit out of me.

I am still reconciling these emotions.  I am ready to know.  I want to move on to the next phase in our lives which ever it may be, but for some reason, I am afraid.  I don't know why.  I don't think I felt like this with any of our other procedures.  But, yes, this one is different.  Completely different, and there are things to fear.  But should knowing be one of them?  I suppose it's really more the unknown, isn't it?

Wednesday, June 23

Wading Through the Waters in Ce-Ment Shoes

I'm trying very hard to keep busy so, my mind will be filled only with the tasks at hand.  The trouble is, I'm getting distracted from my distractions.  So far I've done a good job of not wallowing in a pool of self pity and doubt, but that urge to trudge on is taking its toll.  I keep feeling  exhausted and a headache is almost guaranteed by 2pm.  I am picturing my synapses waging war on one another, trying to keep my attention.  It feels like a tug of war is going on in my frontal lobe!

I know I need to switch gears, since the avoidance tactic is an unhealthy method for me.  (It always manifests itself in poor sleep habits, agitation (thank God for Ativan), and emotional eating.)  Up through this point I had done a decent job at staying with my feelings and not shoving them away.  I was taking them along with me, as expected, unwanted guests.

The difference, I think now, lies in the role reversal.  I feel like I am managing the business end of this possible pregnancy, despite Kelly's efforts to pull me in to the role she knows I want to occupy.  I want to be all over this like bubble gum under the church pew.  I want her to outsource part of her life to me, I'll even work on my Indian accent.  I will get there, it just takes time in my new cement shoes.  (I really thought they could have come up with something a little nicer, not a bow or ruffle on them anywhere, well at least they're not Crocs.)

Sunday, June 20

Humbled by Support & Finding Nerves

In the last 2 days Ben & I have received an overwhelming amount of support, thanks and appreciation from the friends and family of Katy and Matt for which we are entirely grateful.  That being said, I still feel the same that I did when we started this - undeserving of the praise and appreciation.  I am blessed to have an easy time conceiving and throughout pregnancy so if I can help a deserving couple receive the gift of a lifetime, why wouldn't I?  The outcry has me very nervous at this point because the only thing I have done so far is not back out.  It has been said that I have offered an opportunity which is worthy of the thanks and appreciation but this isn't a done deal yet. 

Friday, June 18

Schrödinger's cat

Wow!  What a day!  This morning we got going so we could be at the Fertility Center at 10am.  I was still feeling stunned.  Ever since we had the transfer time given to us I've felt a bit sick.  Not in a bad way; just overwhelmed.

As usual Kelly and Ben kept us laughing.  The nurses were unaware of our situation of Gestational Carrier since it is so unusual in our state.  When they called Kelly back they expected her husband but not Matt and I!  I chimed in after the nurse called Kelly, "and company!".  We kept getting long sided glances and they put Kelly and her husband in a prep area to get  her undressed and we were told basically to wait here while it happened and Kelly was quick to dismiss this as was I.  They were a bit concerned about putting us all in the procedure room.  Ben, God love him, said, "If  anyone is going to step out, it's going to be me."  He said it so definitively.  That for some reason was so touching.  I can't express it.  It was so gallant.   They finally agreed to allow us all into the procedure room as long as we stayed out of the way.

Now We Wait - again....but this is The Big Wait

*Warning to Readers:  there are all sorts of thoughts, feelings and emotions attached to today.  Crazy experiences, inappropriate jokes, all sorts of things.  I'm just going to write.  I'm not going to worry about making it flow or be in any sort of logical order.  I'm just going to get it out.  I'm sorry if it's confusing but I'm kind of not.

The transfer was a piece of cake and almost slightly anticlimactic.  I'm not really sure what I was expecting...maybe the embryos on a velvet pillow announced by the playing of a trumpet.  I don't know.  Katy sat right next to me and we held hands and Ben stood on my other side and we held hands and I'm assuming Katy and Matt were holding hands but I doubt Matt and Ben were holding hands.  It was quick.  Very quick.  Yes we got to watch the whole thing through an ultrasound but it was very hard to tell what was happening - even after the doctor pointed out where the embryos went.  There were 2 of them and they scored very high on their stickability.  I believe Katy said that hadn't yet had any come out of the deep freeze and score so well so I've been thinking we have this in the bag x 2.  I was very proud of Katy.  She was amazingly well collected.  She had tears but I could see a huge weight be lifted from her shoulders:  first, the issue of me backing out was no longer a concern and second there were embryos that not only survived but appeared to be rock stars!  But the longer the day goes on the more I feel like I did with my first pregnancy.  Over thinking every ping, pang, twing, leakey feeling (which would be the progesterone gel that I have to insert daily).  I get nervous.  What if I went to the bathroom 1 too many times?  I laid flat on my back for almost an hour more than required.  That was only possible thanks to Katy & Matt brining an Olive Garden lunch and "Baby Mama" for our viewing enjoyment.  It was funny that Katy said OG sounded good because that has always been a special place for me and Ben.  Our first date in 1994 was there, our second first date in 2002, we ate there after we got married, ate there after our first doctors appointment where we heard our first baby's heartbeat, etc, etc.  And unknowning to that - Katy gets a craving for that.  Fate? A sign?

Thursday, June 17

Now that we officially have our time. (Friday @ 10:30).  I'm feeling a little stunned.  It feels a lot like when I had a concussion.  I can't really focus on one thing and I look at the clock and see that hours have passed and I have no clue what I've done for that period of time.  I'm making my usual lists but rarely marking anything off as done.

I am excited but I'm trying to keep that feeling under wraps so I can keep my emotions realistic.  Oddly, mostly, I feel scared.  We are leaping from the world of theory and preparation into the possibility of creating a life.  Not just creating a life but creating one in a very unconventional way.  I know I've said this before but I just don't know what to do here.  I'm struggling to find a role, a niche, something familiar and I can't- it does not exist.  That powerlessness makes me a little sick to my stomach.

I am also having to rectify some powerful emotions that I expected to feel.  The feeling of jealousy.  It doesn't feel like the right word but it's as close as I have.  There is the feeling of grief, that, if this is to work, someone else will be carrying our baby.  That, I will not feel the kicking directly, the infants hiccups, that I won't have even the negative stuff involved with pregnancy like, heart burn, puking, exhaustion, and all the other difficult parts that make up pregnancy as a whole.  Matt will never place his hands on my stomach to feel the baby kick, or whisper good nights to our child through my skin.  Our baby will not know our voices as it will know Kelly's loving voice.   Yes, there is definitely grief.  And I have expected its coming.

There is also the fear of if this works.  Then what?  What are Matt and I going to do with a baby?  Jeese, what if we're crappy parents?  My nightmare always consists of going about my day and realizing I haven't fed the child all day long and we have nothing but adult food to give!  My mind, thankfully, is unable to wrap around the idea of multiples so I'm safe, right now at least, from those fears.

But then there is the fear of the worst case scenario.  The case that involves a phone call Thursday night or when we get there Friday morning and they tell us none have survived the thaw or that they all look really crappy and our chances of stick-ability are very, very low.

Unsurprisingly, all these conflicting emotions are making my head spin.  I'm exhausted and feeling worthless when it comes to keeping up on my To-Do list.  To be absolutely honest, I just want it over with; the transfer and the two week wait, all of it.  I want to know definitively so I can move on with the next stage in my life, whatever that may be.

Wednesday, June 16

Friday, June 18th 10:30 a.m.

That is "T Day".  Check in is at 10:00 and procedure is at 10:30.  I'm not nervous or scared - I'm too nauseous to think about anything other than trying not to be nauseous...and dizzy.  I know I looked horrible all day today because 2 of my bosses asked my about 3 times if I was ok or feeling ok.  I think I must have looked in pain or very uncomfortable.  I'm assuming this is all the hormones and if so, this starts off worse than a naturally conceived pregnancy - not to mention it happens with a tube instead of....well you know where I'm going with that.  

The strength a woman must need to go through this is unbelievable.  And other than the recent nausea, I have been a superstar oven:  no marks or bruises from any shots, not even so much as a tiny needle mark, no horrible side-effects, and I cycle so well that I didn't even have to repeat an US or blood draw.  Even with all of those positive things - this is still hard.  It is always on your mind - and I have 2 kids.  I can't imagine trying to have my first child by going through this process.  The body can never not be stressed or not thinking about this.  In a way - you almost always have to think about it and even more so the closer you get to T Day.   I certainly didn't enter into this lightly or expect it to be a walk in the park but I also didn't expect it to be quiet as mentally draining.  Every day I gain more and more respect for the women and couples who have to go through this.

I'm sure I speak for all 4 of us when I say, "I'm just ready to know something one way or another."  And as far as me:  I'm ready for my own organic, self-made hormones to take over.

Monday, June 14

Prepped for landing

My biggest fear: The Trigger Shot. It's done. I know I've said it before but my husband is a good poker ;-)  I didn't even feel it - for an intramuscular shot in the upper quadrant of the buttock - I. AM. IMPRESSED.  In very simple terms this shot kind of tricks my body into thinking it's pregnant so it will start to do the biological things needed to support pregnancy - thus creating a warmer, more comfortable environment for these little embryos.  The only thing left at this point is to start some antibiotics and a few other hormonal boosters needed to support pregnancy (I'll spare you the boring details). 

I didn't even know this was my biggest fear until we watched the how-to video and it freaked me out! (See the video link below)  Of all the things in this whole process - this was what was freaking me out!  The last butt shot I remember was when I was maybe 15 and it was in the ER and it turned out I had strep throat so they gave me a shot to get the antibiotic in my system faster.  Well - I jumped.  The needle came out.  And they had to re-stick.  Ya.  Not a fond memory.  After the training video my text to Katy was "OMG.  This could be a deal breaker.  JK  I know bad joke.  But seriously.  Shit."  Without meaning to I threw her into panic mode and she called right away.  Her and Matt gave us some good advice, we hung up, I started to ice my rear and then we got the ingredients, started to mix, had a "Good God you could kill me" moment and then we called Katy and Matt again just to make sure that I could do this laying down.  Well at that point it was a group activity.  It was almost like they were right there with us ;-) When I announced we were done there were lots of hooraying and "Go Team" coming from their end and as always we ended with our smart-ass jokes and humor, ranging from "All systems go" to "So what do we do with the powder in the other vile" (which is the actual drug that needs to be mixed with the sterile water) to "We're clear for landing" and I believe it ended with a round of good nights and I love yous.  

No more needles.  We are prepped for landing.

The Fertility Center  (On the bottom of the page click "Free Injection Training" and then select the option on the bottom left for "HCG")  

It's the Final Final Countdown!

Really what can I say?  As you may have read in Katy's earlier post the US and blood work this morning went good and apparently I am a Superstar Ovulater.  Not only do we not need another US or more blood work, but the transfer is happening about 4-5 days earlier than we thought.  Which is good because it means less time off of work but it's shocking because Katy had me fully thinking that Thursday would be another US and lab.  So when the nurse called and said "Tonight you'll do the HCG shot." I almost fell of my chair!  WHAT?!  I haven't looked that far into the med switch for the final few days....I haven't crammed for the test....Now my whole little Cycle-Day-day-of-the-month-what-drugs-when chart/calendar is all off!!!!  Well there's nothing like a little shot of adrenaline to clear up the severe nausea that the FSG shot seemed to be causing.  I think we're all in a bit of shock.  The start of this seems so long ago but these last few weeks have flown by.  Please send all of your positive thoughts, energy, prayers, offerings, whatever it is you may do, to us this Friday morning.  And as always - we'll keep you posted.

A shot fired....

What a flippin' day!  Last night I accidentally took my full dose of medication which keeps me asleep.  So this morning when my alarm went off at 6am and I thought I hit snooze, I actually his dismiss.  Matt woke me when he got up at 7!  Thankfully I showered before I went to bed.  The appointment was at 8:30 and I hit really bad construction traffic because I missed the exit that would have taken me around it, then a car hit a deer not to far in front of me and everyone was swerving.  It was a total mess.

Sunday, June 13

"T" day is fast approaching.  It is difficult, to be honest, not knowing what the actual date will be.   At this stage we have not even an illusion of control.

The emotional end is starting to make itself more known.  It's confusion and anxiety mostly.  I hate not having a precedent set, having some knowledge of the situation to fall back on.  I've always known I'm more ridged than I care to admit but this situation really emphasizes that.  Not knowing the date officially, puts my stomach into knots.  Can't I have something so simple as a date?  An estimated date is not enough.  Something so concrete as a date offers sense, order, and with that peace of mind.  I'm a planner, an obsessive list maker, how do I do this?

Friday, June 11

Nothing too exciting...just frustration and complaining.

I'm 3 shots in and so far so good.  The day after the first one I could really feel my ovaries similar to my normal cycle but much more exaggerated and on both sides - where normally I only really feel one side.  I was in super-@itch mode most of the day and was worried the shot was giving me similar emotional PMS reactions but now I don't think so.  Today I haven't noticed anything physical - even from the injection sites. 

The further in my cycle days we get the more loose ends there seem to be that need to be tied up.  And as much as we were bombarded with information between our first two appointments, there sure does seem to be a lot of information that was left out.  Or information that should have been given right off the bat.

Wednesday, June 9

Officially Preheating (is that one word?)

First shot went in tonight.  I had a little anxiety because it has to be done right during our evening rush hour (6p-8p) and I wasn't sure how we would handle it with the kids around.  I figured the first time would be very clumsy and take time.  Thank God for small favors because the only 5 minutes all night the kids were distracted away from us was at the exact time we needed it to be.  The shot was not bad.  At all.  Actually the discomfort/burn after is worse than the poke.  Kudos to Ben for being a good poker ;-)  Hee-Hee-Hee.  (Sorry, I couldn't pass up the opportunity for some junior high immature humor there.)  It was really so painless and simple that I'm thinking I'll be able to just do them myself from here on out.  But we'll see.  And Katy is RIGHT:  the smell is awful and it hits pretty quick.  But what she didn't mention (most likely because she assumed she was nuts or hallucinating) was that it somehow penetrates and has a "taste" on your lips.  It was so weird.  Really weird.  It was like putting on a rotten chapstick that you can smell and taste.  I was relieved that she had the same experience with it.  But I'll be prepared tomorrow and have something to drink ready to chase the shot with - something with a lot of acid, Coke, Mt. Dew or red has a lot of acid right - that might work the best ;-)  If anyone is interested in seeing this shot or how it gets injected (or really has no life and nothing better to do with their time) I've put the link below.  So, grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy!  (On the bottom of the page click "Free Injection Training" and then select the option on the left for "Gonal-f RFF Pen")

Tuesday, June 8

All Systems Go! Well - for this step....

Just a quick update....I had my ultrasound this morning just to check out my uterus and ovaries.  Basically just to measure my uterine lining, ovaries, count my follicles (7 on one side, 6 on the other.  I know - exciting isn't it?!) and to "make sure there's nothing there" - as the US tech put it.  I said "there better not be!"  But since me, Ben, Katy and Matt previously discussed that regardless of who's genetics come out after 40 weeks - it's leaving with them, I wasn't concerned if there had been anything there.  But seriously - "nothing" referred to cysts.  Apparently the FSH shot can cause the cysts to become larger, or get bigger.  Anyways - nothing there but a welcoming little environment just waiting for something to nurture.  So - the shots start tomorrow night and then Monday morning I will have my next US and a blood draw.  Those 2 things, I believe, will tell us if I need more shots and/or the transfer date.  Moving along....

Monday, June 7

"I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty I've got whozits and whatzits galore (You want thingamabobs? I got twenty)"

Yes - those were almost the exact words that danced through my head as I spread all my info and meds out over my entire living room floor last Friday night in a panic.  Why panic?  Panic was set off because I initially I couldn't find my bag that had all the directions and schedules in it - the play book to put it bluntly and because I'm a procrastinator and, as Katy has mentioned, this is all very time sensitive - allowing almost no room for error.  Plus this is not my investment to screw up!  All last week I knew my period would be coming and knew I should get out the schedule and the meds and make sure that everything was clear so I would have everything semi-mapped out in my head.  But I didn't so I ended up running around like a chicken with my head cut off thinking "They're trusting me to carry a child and I lost the directions before we've even started!  Great!"  I reassured myself with " get what you pay for!"

So take a deep breath and here we go....  Kelly let me know her period came a knockin' on Saturday.  The first "Cycle Day" (CD) is always a big one.  After many calls and voice mails, we finally spoke to someone so we could schedule an ultra sound (US) for tomorrow.  Every single element of this is time sensitive and it was extremely frustrating, to put it mildly, to keep hitting a brick wall when trying to get this scheduled.  Not only does Kelly need a US on CD5, she also has to start her Folical Stimulating Hormone shots (FSH).  Even the injections are timed!

The good news is that The Fertility Center has opened an office in Sparrow Hospital in East Lansing.  This means that Kelly won't have to drive all the way to Grand Rapids for her ultrasounds and estridol testing (E2(Sick of all the abbreviation yet?)), which is a simple blood draw.  These have to be done every two to three days toward the end of the procedure.  So, it will be nice to save her the trip for the quicker appointments. 

The first US is tomorrow morning at 8 am.  I'm nervous about finding the hospital and the drive.  Kelly offered their hospitality but I have too much to do tonight to accept.  The nurse will be looking at Kelly's ovaries to make sure they are free of cysts and that everything still looks good.  The injection she will start tomorrow night (FSH) will stimulate the ovaries to produce fat and healthy ovum.  If Kelly were to have cysts this hormone could enlarge them.  The medicine is in a large pen, kind of like an EpiPen but bigger, it stings a bit when injected.  The medicine will go just under the skin.  The medicine, called Gonal F, stinks.  It has been a long time since I've used it and I can still recall the scent.  *gack*

Matt  and I made contact again with our lawyer who specializes in gestational carrier law.  We will mail out our check for the first phase tomorrow.  This first phase is relatively easy and quick thankfully.  I'm actually a little relieved to have something to do on our end.  We'll have a conference call in the next day or so to set up the pre-birth order (PBO).  I've written some about that earlier, but this is the contract that allows Matt and my name to be placed on the birth certificate immediately after the  birth.  The turnaround  for this contract is short, approximately 2 days, and is relatively easy.  I guess the contract is supposed to be fairly standard.  We thankfully have a good friend who is also a lawyer so she explains the pieces that may be over our heads! 

So on the personal and emotional end of this, things feel very strange.  It seems to be constantly in the back of my mind and attaches itself to random thoughts like an unexpected barnacle.  I spend a lot of time with my niece, who is the sunshine of my life, and I keep thinking how nice it wold be for her to have a cousin.  I look at our house in a new way too.  I wonder where the hell are we going to put all the stuff that comes along with a child. 

I seem to have allowed my self more hope than I really wanted to feel.  I'm sure that sounds strange, but I think I will do better keeping hope at arms length.  I still want to be able to see it, maybe touch it with my finger tips, but I don't want to do this without the safety net of doubt.  I bet that sounds crazy, but until you've had hope stripped from you violently, doubt can feel like a real blessing.  Reality has doubt wrapped deeply and tightly into the threads of its web. Hope is the shimmer of the silk and I do still hope.

So tomorrow is the next step forward and it is exciting.  I wish Matt could be there to hold my hand through this, if not to be a path finder to the hospital and then to listen to me comment on Kelly's skinny ass hips on the way home! 

We have a tentitive transfer date of the 18th of June and I will be keeping you all posted along the way. 

I would also like to thank you all for the out pouring of support you've offered.  I think this support has carried us through the days where we didn't have the energy to move on our own.  We rely on it more than you could possibly know.  I would like to thank all of Kelly and Ben's family and friends we had the pleasure of meeting at Ben's graduation party.  The support you've offered Ben and Kelly means the most of all.

Much Love and Many Thanks,
Katy Taber